Monday, August 08, 2005

Well there were some wild poker times, I went from $60 up to $280 and the day before that jump i had cashed out $200 meaning i went from $60 to $500 really. The wins really came from a wide array of places. I did well at the .50 / $1 table, I won a couple holdem $10 sit and goes and I won my biggest hand ever playing at the NL $100 table getting AA vs a guys JJ with 4 callers $8 pre flop.
Two guys called my $15 flop bet then the guy with JJ called me all the way down the line on $15 bets. I won another big pot of about $40 - $50 on Ace high , Queen kicker.
I cashed out quite alot of my cash and then went on a huge losing/ bad beat streak. Nothing i could do would stop it, i lost $100 then another $100 . No matter how good my odds i'd lose, my boat lost to quads, my open ended straight flush draws wouldn't hit and of course when i had the cards on the table my opponents would hit their draws no matter how bad they played. For example a guy bet $15 all in on the 15% chance of hitting his flush on the river.
So right now i'm about even on my online poker career, not ahead not behind. Right now i'm trying to drill it into my head to only bet in holdem when i have something that's limit holdem mind you .